
Mind Like Magpie

Some old works are being shown  HERE  at the Menier Gallery . Some works that are in the show are not depicted here so it will be a surprise for you if you go. Water From the Moon 'This represents the yearning from the artist for the impossible and the quest for immortality. Featuring work from young artists exploring the mediums of collage, paint, feathers, taxidermy, new sculptural works. and video; mostly revolving around the themes of death, loss and memory; creating a personal world where beauty, death and the promise of immortality collide. Some material may shock and disturb.' Mind Like Magpie See you there!

New sculptures. Works in progress.

We are moving house again so I spent a night clearing all the stuff I don't do out the way. It dawned on me that this space will be gone in a few weeks and I needed to make something physical- - Take what exists in the world and play with it. After clearing more space I found my long lost materials. Things I have collected over the years, broken, displaced, lost, discarded objects. All weird, old and dirty.  I was happy to see them.  Work in progress Surreal fist tank. It's a cross between a sundial, astrological birth chart and dowsing pendulum.  Still lots of work to be done on all 3. Who knows how they will turn out.  The parrot hanging from the dartboard used to be a great bird. I came home one day to see my mother had made a fire. I noticed that something was different about the garden- Where was the brightly painted parrot with the incredible wingspan that I had loved all my life?!!?!  I ran outside towards the fire and there, on the top where his charred reamins

Skinning a Fox

Since being banned from  Facebook  I have skinned a fox and made a few videos This Beautiful creature had barely a scratch on her. Very thin but apart from that in apparently good working order until I got to the head and pop! A huge horrible cyst. It must have been putting pressure on the brain and she just went in the bushes to die :( Poor old thing.  So she's the star of a few new videos......I have vetted these videos with friends and they are officially 100% inappropriate. There are a couple of new ones on YOUTUBE  but waiting for my moment to pounce with the hardcore taxidermy stuff. Here she is before she was famous: STUNNING

On the menu tonight- Urban Foxes!

Update: This evening I'm off to Peckham to pick up 2 Urban foxes which are pre and post-birthday gifts. Because of this freezer issue I need to get cracking and skinning TONIGHT. If anyone is on the off chance in Stamford Hill and wants to watch/record what goes on between 9-11pm get in touch. Just to keep you informed, I have been banned from Facebook for posting inappropriate material- Long time coming if you ask me. CHARLIE TUESDAY GATES ON FACEBOOK The good news is I am now the proud owner of 6 BABY LAMBS! After a pre-spring break to Dorset I managed to acquire 6 tiny and beautiful speckled baby lambs. There was barely any room in my chest freezer- squashing them in brought tears to my eyes. They deserved a better resting place but their time will come. Love from Charlie Gates x

Meaty Postcards

Previously the art stuff I have put out there has either been dark-mixed-dead- assemblage sculpture, or to do with the Live D.I.Y Taxidermy performances…. so it might surprise people that I like sitting on my own cutting up pictures of meat and Jordan.  Especially  when I am on holiday. It’s something that I have previously kept to myself as people usually associate me with the 'other stuff'  but taxidermy has become so mainstream, I wanted to broaden my horizons, or at least show I had them.  Those Crazy Swiss In Thailand my reason to live was to make postcards. Whist in Switzerland, I was clutching at the straws of mental survival so decided to ask the viewers at home if anyone wanted free art through the post in the form of a handcrafted postcard. This put my ADHD hands to rest. Being the vegan taxidermist artist that I am-I clearly have a taste for flesh- Obviously I am going to choose meat as my subject matter. Discount meat. Life is cheap. Who better to be the face of

Valentines day special. Not for the faint hearted

I have made some alternative valentines day cards with a slightly vulgar, meaty twist.  None of them are particularly romantic,  just honest. Here's something you might give in a more casual relationship. Roses sit on slabs of meat holding a power card. And now here's the back: Tart with a heart. A mixed meat melody of chicken, ham and steak, fashioned into a penis-hiding behind a heart. Some things just belong together. Someone was excited to see you! Ham and spring onions  'Adventure Box' Handcrafted & expensive. This is a very complex card with a poem, collage and wisdom on the back.   Inset your own message above. This is the poem I've included for you. Your eye is then drawn to the collage below... This is what an 'Adventure Box' might look like. And this is the wisdom on the back. If you can't read the text then here it is again: 'There was nothing to do but join in and get porked because who knows if there will be a tomorrow?'

Back On The Meat Market

I went to Switzerland for a week. At Gatwick Airport I was very excited to see that Katie Price has her own magazine out! I love her and I love making collages out of her, her and meat. My favourite Katie Price aka 'Jordan' combination.  Jordan when she was pregnante one time. She has kebabs in her hair. Jordan and her XXL WOCHEN Katie Price does Lady Gaga So like I said was in Switzerland. When I have nothing to do I go back to my roots- collage. Love it. You can always rely on a bit of collage to get you through the hard times, to bring a smile to your face. I love postcards. They are so boring. On my  terrible holiday in Thailand  I started Jazzing them up- I got a little addicted to it. Takes your mind off stuff. Anyway, I needed a reason to live so I put a message out there to the world asking if people wanted free art in the post. The response was a tad overwhelming with 18 orders on one day alone! Switzerland is so bloody expensive though. I ended up spending about