
Showing posts from September, 2016


There's a new shop that's opened in Stokes Croft- A shop so wonderfully fantabulously macabre and outrageously spectacular it will at some points, render you speechless.  Downstairs at The Vintage Market, hiding amongst the junk and the clutter, I have created a world of wonder and intrigue. A place where beauty and death come to life in surreal assemblage sculpture and wearable art. This amazing pop-up acts as a working studio, gallery and shop front.  Capturing the magical and the mystical,the absurd, the strange and the beautiful.  But there’s not much time to visit Stokes Crofts newest artist in residence. ... The formally squatted Old Motorcycle Showroom is currently finalising development plans. So,  for the next few months only, I will be bringing in a very unusual brand of art and fashion fiestas to the high street for a brief visual spectacle of aesthetic enlightenment. Come be delighted and excited by:...

Looking Foxy

Everyone’s favourite cult fox is finally in print- wear him with pride as he features on these limited addition t-shirts. Foxys’ famous face is based on a taxidermy puppet character from the cult musical Sing For Your Life . Ultimately he was a facetious, self-centred arsehole….and that’s why   everyone loved him.   The show was like marmite on crack. The first and only musical to feature an entirely dead cast in a hard hitting political comedy about animals rights…..ironically using real dead animal puppets.  Sounds disgraceful doesn’t it. It was that and soooo much more. This one hit wonder won hearts, minds and amazingly awards at Vault Festival 2015 and Edinbrugh Fringe Festivals premier for comedy- The Underbelly, with it’s own unique brand of tasteless humour, setting the world to rights under the guise of brazen entertainment. The reviews were astounding. Ranging from the great and the holy - Church of England To foul mo...