Skinning a Fox

Since being banned from Facebook I have skinned a fox and made a few videos

This Beautiful creature had barely a scratch on her. Very thin but apart from that in apparently good working order until I got to the head and pop! A huge horrible cyst. It must have been putting pressure on the brain and she just went in the bushes to die :( Poor old thing. 

So she's the star of a few new videos......I have vetted these videos with friends and they are officially 100% inappropriate. There are a couple of new ones on YOUTUBE but waiting for my moment to pounce with the hardcore taxidermy stuff.

Here she is before she was famous:


  1. hija de puta, encima te quejas de que te banean del facebook, tendrian que depellejarte a ti, so puta, te crees que el arte es exivir cadaveres de animales? eso es irrespetuoso y atroz, eres una de las personas mas repunantes que he visto en mi vida


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