
Showing posts from 2012

2012 Highlights

2012 was a good year. Here's loads of the best things that happened:   Beginning the year with a new studio, I had the perfect place to work and create. Inviting the public into my private space and holding taxidermy workshops where people could learn the very basics in a relaxed atmosphere. In my secret room I was able to create without causing a scene. However there were many scenes.      On Easter Sunday my work made it into the Independent and my dream came true when I was featured in The Metro as well as Time Out, Design Week and many other big players. 2012 saw me working with stylists, art direction, doing artist talks and creating some of my most macabre sculptures, controversial video and performances pieces. Mind Like Magpie   As well as carving up the dead, I also make beautiful fashion accessories and I was asked to do a talk at Brighton Fashion Week. These can be found at .and


URGENT : Have you seen this Pussycat? Last seen 31st Oct at The Book Club, Shoreditch Very important as she was supposed to be in the show MODERN PANIC III Any information please contact me. I also have some work in Art Club   Sunday 18th November, Red Gallery, Shoreditch  I'll be exhibiting paintings and one String Chicken.

Some readers will find ALL of these things offensive.

D.I.Y Taxidermy 6: Throw The Book Away  was  FULL ON A taxidermy show to blow others out the water. A comedy, a tragedy....  Thought provoking, bold, completely sick but utterly compelling. A performance that encompassed video, storytelling, demonstration and improvisation mixed together with audience participation. A darkly enthralling performance that would test even the strongest of constitutions and consciences as I released insanity to epic proportions. Things people have genuinely never seen, thought, felt or smelt before. I got down, I got dirty and showed parts of myself usually reserved for behind closed doors.... and certainly not for closed minds. Tonight was the night I blasted them open We blasted them open with this: LIVE ANIMALATION 'LIVE ANIMALATION' Definition: The use of real animals in animation. Animating animals- real animals.  Stop frame animation was the next stop. Mark Arrigo was my man in control of the camer


  I've got work coming up in this show-  A unique and powerful collection  of over 50 surreal, controversial & provocative international artists.   Curated by James Elphick of Guerrilla Zoo  Karina Akopyan | Karolina Albricht | Franko B Miranda Benzies | Elizabeth Buckfield | Emma Buggy Charles Bronson | Santiago Caruso | Jazz Szu-Ying Chen Sarah Delaney | Charlie Tuesday Gates | Dan Hillier Andrew Hladky | Ben Hopper | Anna Humphries Chiho Iwase | Sally Jones | Achilles Kapsalis Laura Bodo Lajber  | Valentina Lari | Craig LaRotonda Cedric Laquieze | Natasha Lawes | Peter Millard Iain Macarthur | Vort Man | Julie Newton | Berth Neutze Bonnie Makes Pictures | Vesna Parchet | Carrie Reichardt Louise Riley | Sandra Robinson | Sara Le Roy Masumi Saito | Lucy Sparrow | Arcane Sin Sarah Sitkin | Greta Wallner Roger Williams | Martha Zmpounou More on the artists can be found HERE Live Art Performances Mad Alan | Hellen Burrough Nicola Canavan | Lydia Darl


  Tomorrow is your chance to experience life and death first hand. Not for the fainthearted, weak stomached or easily offended. This show come with a WARNING. Sense of humor a must. Charlie Tuesday Gates presents: D.I.Y Taxidermy LIVE Throw The Book Away The Book Club Oct 30th 8pm A special treat is coming to The Book Club this Halloween. You won’t be able to believe what your seeing, hearing and eating as the 6th installment of D.I.Y Taxidermy has some surprising and disturbing twists… . WIN  Win real life dead artwork in the bizarre but hilarious raffle:  'LIFE! DEATH! PRIZES!' EAT EAT the discarded remains as an in house chef cooks up a tasty treat during the interval. D.I.Y Taxidermy LIVE is an interactive demonstration. Giving first hand knowledge and the confidence to take life into your own hands, proving that you can do it yourself, at home, with little more than the contents of your kitchen cupboards.  Through the med

Studio Visit

  Watch 3 minute doc HERE  Urban Outfitters were traipsing round the country looking for interesting content so I let them in my studio/workshop.  They were privi to some wonders of the natural world ...and what fell out of my mouth.  I always get nervous with strangers who come out the blue because you're never sure how much you can say or whats appropriate to reveal in case they think your a nut job or something. Obviously I'm completely normal but I still worry I will go too far and this farness will be used out of context and against me. This didn't happened and I appear to be a nice, well rounded individual who happens to make art out of dead things. And performance- did you know I had a live taxidermy show coming up? Full details can be found on the blog and here: FACEBOOK TICKETS . Love from Charlie Tuesday Gates x

Posters for D.I.Y Taxidermy 6

  Thom Morgan I applied for assistance to assist me in the running up to the live D.I.Y Taxidermy show. I was amazed by how many people wanted to help even though they all has proper jobs and real lives. One of the tasks I set was to create a flyer/poster for the upcoming show. Here' are a few offerings: Hannah Prebble   Laura Negus   Tony Hickson   Thom Morgan   Hannah Prebble     Hyun kyung Shin Amazing what other people can do when you put your mind to them! 2 weeks to go. Any help greatly appreciated. TICKETS !


A special treat is coming to The Book Club this Halloween and there's only 1 Month to go….. D.I.Y Taxidermy LIVE Throw The Book Away The Book Club Oct 30th 8pm You won’t be able to believe what your seeing, hearing and eating as a D.I.Y.T.6 has some surprising and disturbing twists… . WIN  Win real life dead artwork in the bizarre but hilarious raffle:  'LIFE! DEATH! PRIZES!' EAT EAT the discarded remains as an in house chef cooks up a tasty treat during the interval. D.I.Y Taxidermy LIVE is an interactive journey. Giving first hand knowledge and the confidence to take life into your own hands, proving that you can do it yourself, at home, with little more than the contents of your kitchen cupboards.  Through the medium of performance, video and story telling,  you are taken deeper than ever into this seemingly dark art and mind of an artist.   For this night only there will be an exhibition of past and present work. Displaying a