Jordan's Pussy
Dried out pussy at the Modern Panic exhibtion. The gallery man sent a text which read "The piece formally known as Jordan's Pussy is leaking- It's a little disturbing...what should I do?" Here's the picture that inspired my mind- Uncanny isn't it. I'm going to tell a story about how it came about but it's not going to be very nice so if you like cats you probably won't like this..... One evening in May my mother and I were driving home. Suddenly I started to scream. To my amazement, surprise and despair, there by the side of the road appeared to be the most magnificent feline I had ever seen! Recently hit, the only obviously mark was to the head and a slightly bloodied tong, rigamortis was just setting in and his eyes hadn't gone cloudy yet. He was huge! Someone had obviously loved him very much. But what is the right thing to do................................? I decided to write a note and say I buried it then quickly bundled the cat int...