
Showing posts from 2019

Burn baby BURN! The melt down.

After years in the shadows I'm slowly creeping intoithe light. My new years' resolution is to have a Christmas number one. It’s only February so there’s loads of time.   This childhood dream was re-realized in a charity shop during an encounter with a casio keyboard. It had so many beats it could bring you and all your dreams back to life. I bought it instantly, and last week I secretly performed for the first time in years.  Me, a guitar I couldn't play and a weird baby sang this original cult classic-   WITCH BABY  and Bar Wotever at The Vauxhall Tavern were very nice to let me do so.   I've no doubt I'll be headlining the alternative Pride 2019   This was more remarkable because last year, due to monumental sadness, I had completely lost the ability to sing at all:  Ever since I was a peculiar little girl, I’ve written peculiar songs. ‘Nigel The Super Cow’ was my first great song, Test Tube Baby came next- These were not a suc...