
A Chicken Walks into a Bar- Stand-Up Comedy Animation Script.

This month I've been mostly getting into the mind of a Chicken. Seems easy as their brains are so small. I was thinking about a Stand-up Comedy show written by a Chicken, for Chickens.  I wanted to make their awful lives hilarious. " Environmental comedy"  That seems to be my new buzz word for things like this. It's pretty niche.  "COMEDY CHICKEN is completely plucked, on the grey side of pink and naked apart from a medallion saying 'Sexy' covering an injury to its neck. He has a deep South Kentucky accent and struts with jerks and juices like he owns the place. He's jolly but tainted by the life he's lived." The character is expanded from that taxidermy musical I wrote in my hey-day 'Sing For Your Life' Back in the day maaaate. Chicken Stand-Up Comedy -IDEAS - Ohhhhh my favourite game! I put a call out for funnies, jokes and one-liners to my online audience. I got some good response to lube the imaginary lines but my personal executi...

The Freezer Renaissance- Taxidermy Tales of the Unexpected

Based on the award-winning musical.... Sing For your Life ;  t he first and only taxidermy puppet-show musical comedy. . ..   I'm d efrosting the puppets to bring you a BRAND NEW SHOW! The long over-due prequel to The Greatest Show That Ever Died... The story follows Foxy (t axidermy fox puppet) who's starting a new life on the dump. Obsessed with human cutlture, h e's convinced that if he can recruit local wild   and domestic animal talent to join his new entertainment show,    the the humans will take them seriously, and no animal   will ever be hurt again!   Follow him as he endeavours to turn the dump into a world class performance arena and convince his fellow animal kind to join him.   This is the prequel to 'Sing For Your Life'. How the animals got recruited for the show and more about Foxys incredible life on the streets.  After being trapped abroad during the pandemic, I'm back in the U.K and ready to get cracking with t...

Prison in Paradise: Covid-19 Vietnam Travel Blog

I made it to Vietnam- just in time for the shit to hit the fan...and now it looks like I’m here for the show. So I’m relaunching myself as the alternative Asian covid-19 travel blogger... Who doesn’t travel.  Who needs friends of a selfie stick when you have a timer on your phone? ‘3D art in Paradise, Danang- Vietnam’  I’d been having the time of my life for a week, zooming through the countrys most ballistic attractions at lighting speed, managing to out run the epidemic that hit every tourist spot I’d literally just left.  Dragon Mountain-Ninh Binh  When the country closed its doors, I screeched to a standstill In Phong Nah. The tide had turned. The shit storm was forming in the clouds.  3D Art in Paradise, Danang THE SHIT STORM I was happy sheltering from the storm in my shack on the river, but 2 weeks later I got a series of frantic messages from friends and family. Our thoughtful British government had started bleeting for us to ho...

Burn baby BURN! The melt down.

After years in the shadows I'm slowly creeping intoithe light. My new years' resolution is to have a Christmas number one. It’s only February so there’s loads of time.   This childhood dream was re-realized in a charity shop during an encounter with a casio keyboard. It had so many beats it could bring you and all your dreams back to life. I bought it instantly, and last week I secretly performed for the first time in years.  Me, a guitar I couldn't play and a weird baby sang this original cult classic-   WITCH BABY  and Bar Wotever at The Vauxhall Tavern were very nice to let me do so.   I've no doubt I'll be headlining the alternative Pride 2019   This was more remarkable because last year, due to monumental sadness, I had completely lost the ability to sing at all:  Ever since I was a peculiar little girl, I’ve written peculiar songs. ‘Nigel The Super Cow’ was my first great song, Test Tube Baby came next- These were not a suc...