rabt@rabphoto.com D.I.Y.TAXIDERMY Private View: Thursday June 3rd The Nunnery 7-9pm 183 Bow Road, London E3 2SJ Gallery opening times:10-6 Fri Sat Sun Bringing together science, intuition and disturbing curiosity, Charlie Tuesday Gates will be preparing and treating animals you have grown to know and love in a D.I.Y style. But there is far more to see than experimental taxidermy! B.Y.O road kill and you coukld end up taking a piece of the magic home with you. Love from Charlie Gates x http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=120174398021053&ref=mf http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/yourgallery/artist_profile/Charlie+Gates/104092.html Love from Charlie Gates x This is where the Terradactyl's live. Much amazing thanks to Robin Turner for taking these photos. rabt@rabtphoto.com