Porn Star in India
Some people will find all of these images offensive and possibly arousing. The Sword In The Stone During my 3 months in India, I sent over 90 indecent postcards, got through 3 Kama Sutra Books, 2 books on historical monuments, 5 glue sticks and 3 rolls of Sellotape. For a country famed for the Kama Sutra and temples so intricately carved with all manor of marvelous sexual endeavors, Indians are frighteningly repressed. Even holding hands is disrespectful/looked down upon. There is no affection, no obvious love. Arranged marriage is the norm and so is finding babies in bushes born out of wedlock. As an Indian woman, your duty is to serve your husband, keep quite, look good and do what you are told ('*@%$**!*') Not something I'm used to. 'Alfresco Pest-o' A western female traveler is a very curious thing. The only reference and context they have seen woman in is through porn. Apparently that...