Living a New Dream
After life spinning wildly and uncontrollably into a creative black hole, there is finally a blinding light at the end of the tunnel. I have offically gone up in the world, a nd s ince departing ways with my greatest love, I have been living a new dream... From a trailer park in Bristol My new trailer park life is exactly how I like it. Raw, rural and real. It reminds me of the places I used to live in before they were bulldozed for luxury flats and bespoke bistros. It’s a super industrial wasteland, a desolate jungle peppered sparsely with barely a soul on site. Everything unravelled rather quickly from my life in London, I had a super sweet deal studio wise. But sadly, the magic carpet was stepped on and I went flying off… And w ithout an art studio, I officially had no reason to live. Friends told me to get a real job- but I still wasn’t prepared to sacrifice my creativity for a job I hated to endure in a city that was not kind.