
D.I.Y Taxidermy LIVE Oct 2nd Corsica Studios

Yes that's right D.I.Y Taxidermy is back! LIVE SUNDAY 2ND OCT 6pm CORSICA STUDIOS Elephant and Castle SE171LB The 5th instalment of D.I.Y Taxidermy -This time we're going to town with lazers, smoke machines and wall to wall projectors.... not forgetting the all important stuffing. D.I.Y TAXIDERMY: A live demonstration, performance & artist talk all rolled into one. ' A bit like a biology lesson from your crazy substitute teacher...who is really an artist. ' In about an hour Gates talks an audience through her D.I.Y process (emphasis is heavily on the D.I.Y aspect). Delivered in a 'shopping channel' style, She gives you handy hints & tips for using basic everyday objects, where to source animal parts legally & personal preservation methods, giving a unique insight into this seemingly dark art and mind of an artist. The audience is encouraged to participate and generally be involved in the creation of a new artwork. Here's what happened...

Future Cinema does Lost Boys

& I will be doing a D.I.Y Taxidermy workshop at this amazing  interactive cinema event the 3rd Sept. Grandpas lodge will be re-created and inside you can genuinely get your hands dirty as you learn to skin and stuff an animal with me and Granpa too! " FUTURE CINEMA BRINGS CALIFORNIA TO LONDON IN A SECRET LOCATION PRESENTING THE CULT FILMS “THE  LOST BOYS Future Cinema, the creators of Secret Cinema, announced two very special film experiences in partnership with California Tourism. “California Classics” will see 80s cult classics “The  Lost Boys ” (Saturday 3rd September) brought to life as Future Cinema transforms a secret site along the banks of the River Thames into the sunny shores of California. The weekend will allow the audience a unique opportunity to relive their favourite films from the 80s, in true California style. The pioneers of Live Cinema, Future Cinema will fully immerse the audience in the films by bringing the beautiful beaches, surf and seaside...

D.I.Y Taxidermy....The movie

If you ever wondered what the Live D.I.Y Taxidermy shows were like then here is a very brief snippet. Next LIVE show coming soon- Just need to find another suitable venue. If you have one then get in touch! I don't ask for much....

Mowgli Skydiver music video

Mowgil Skydiver Ages ago I was asked to create the set for a music video. There was a vague brief so I ran with it and created the most horrific scene I could. Never in my mind did I think I could come up with something so vile. The magnitude of this horror doesn't come across on the video.... It was properly sick- like being inside a modern version of that Texas Chain-saw Massacre house. Horrible horrible stuff on every surface. Everything you think is real really is real. Stinking deer skins were generously rubbed on the cast for added authenticity...lots of stuff was rubbed on the cast... but that had to be cut because it was too too wrong. 

Jordan's Pussy

Dried out pussy at the Modern Panic exhibtion. The gallery man sent a text which read "The piece formally known as Jordan's Pussy is leaking- It's a little disturbing...what should I do?" Here's the picture that inspired my mind- Uncanny isn't it. I'm going to tell a story about how it came about but it's not going to be very nice so if you like cats you probably won't like this..... One evening in May my mother and I were driving home. Suddenly I started to scream. To my amazement, surprise and despair, there by the side of the road appeared to be the most magnificent feline I had ever seen! Recently hit, the only obviously mark was to the head and a slightly bloodied tong, rigamortis was just setting in and his eyes hadn't gone cloudy yet. He was huge! Someone had obviously loved him very much. But what is the right thing to do................................?  I decided to write a note and say I buried it then quickly bundled the cat int...


Three crudely preserved lambs stood silently on garish Astroturf topped plinths for 2 weeks at the recent Modern Panic exhibition. It was rather fittingly at the old abattior in Farringdon. Loads of great artists involved.  SILENCE OF THE LAMBS was better in the flesh and also when penned into their (yet to be made) vitrines. Damien  This poor creature died mysteriously. All was well the night before but the next day he was out cold. No noticeable signs of anything suspicious. After skinning and filling with expanding foam, I sliced him in three and Damien was born.  Expanding foam is pretty volatile stuff. Massive growth like forms erupted from where I snagged the skin. However there was minimal damage and he filled out quite nicely. The amazing thing about Damien is his tail is pre-docked and poor balls are in the middle of being suffocated off. Horny things were just starting to form, leaving two empty circles in his forehead when I cut them out. Ha...


Raffle tickets I knocked up for  LIFE! DEATH! PRIZES!   Part of the 4th LIVE D.I.Y taxidermy event Lucky ticket buyers had the chance to win a deer's foot attached to the end is a grater (this foot was found whilst going through the gamery bin, that's where they put them when they get chopped off). 1st prize was a freshly stuffed rabbit and these indervidual collages in nice little frames.  is where you can read all about it. At the next live taxidermy - ' LIFE! DEATH! PRIZES!' is going to be even better, with even bigger and wilder prizes....  If you couldn't believe your eyes before, you won't have any after this.