Future Cinema does Lost Boys

& I will be doing a D.I.Y Taxidermy workshop at this amazing interactive cinema event the 3rd Sept. Grandpas lodge will be re-created and inside you can genuinely get your hands dirty as you learn to skin and stuff an animal with me and Granpa too!
Future Cinema, the creators of Secret Cinema, announced two very special film experiences in partnership with California Tourism. “California Classics” will see 80s cult classics “The Lost Boys” (Saturday 3rd September) brought to life as Future Cinema transforms a secret site along the banks of the River Thames into the sunny shores of California. The weekend will allow the audience a unique opportunity to relive their favourite films from the 80s, in true California style.

The pioneers of Live Cinema, Future Cinema will fully immerse the audience in the films by bringing the beautiful beaches, surf and seaside amusements of California to the capital city. Fusing film, music, performance and design, “The Lost Boys” and “Top Gun” will welcome up to 4,000 guests per night dressed as their favourite characters from the films. Envision Top Gun naval aviators or angst-filled teenage vampires, an epic sing along and one of the biggest fancy dress events of the year.
Fabien Riggall, Founder and Creative Director of Future Cinema says: “Future Cinema brings films to life. We want you, the audience, to live inside the film and to help us create the wonderful world of these 80s cult films, ‘The Lost Boys’ and ‘Top Gun.’ We are really excited to be working with California Tourism who are the perfect partners to bring the culture of California to life.”


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