Friday Feeling. Headpieces for hire.
I've been turning my hand to fashion accessories these past few weeks. After a trip to Dorset I came back with a hell of a lot of skulls. I've put them to the most beautful use possible, embellishing them with my vast collection of jewelles and trinkets lovingly hoarded over a few generations of lifetime. 

8 puffins came into my life, rescued from a beach up North after that horrendous mystery oil spill a few months back. Unfortunately they weren't kept that frozen so I could only salvage the wings. Such beautiful birds!!!

One sale in a little artist emporium called Cult Mountain Cult Mountain is also on FACEBOOk

Nautical inspired headpiece featuring a fox skull, birds feet, fine feathers, shells, trinkets, faux pearls and leather.
Some wonderful soul found a woodpecker and sent it to me in the post. Soon to be resurrected as a headpiece 

Charlie Tuesday Gates


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