Bringing together science, intuition and disturbing curiosity, Charlie Tuesday Gates takes an audience through her D.I.Y taxidermy process LIVE
Delivered in a 'shopping channel' style, emphasis is heavily on the D.I.Y aspect with Gates giving you handy hints & tips for using  basic, everyday objects, where to source animal  parts legally & personal preservation methods. Demonstrating that you really can do it yourself, at home with just the things you have in your cupboards.

 Described as a cross between the shopping channel and Blue Peter, this performance is a completely unique insight into a seemingly dark art and mind of an artist. Where the audience are encouraged to participate and generally be involved in the creation of a new artwork.

There will be life, there will be death and there most definitely will be PRIZES!!!

But there is far more to see than experimental taxidermy and an exhibition will run alongside the show, displaying surreal and bizarre assemblage sculptures of past, present work as well as short film works.

Bringing beauty to sadness whilst creating madness.

‘Dark, tongue-in-cheek, fairly sick and utterly compelling’ Spoonfed
'Charlie Gates is fast becoming one of the UK's most talked about young artists. Her work is thought provoking and bold, and to many, extremely distasteful' Notion Magazine

''Intense"Audience member
'Truly awe inspiring and amazing!!!' Audience member

(B.Y.O road kill and you could end up taking a piece of the magic home with you)

Gates has a fascination with old, discarded objects and of collecting... Even collecting the dead. Digging things out the ground, scraping road kill off the streets of London, practising D.I.Y taxidermy.
Gates opens creatures up to reveal their internal worlds, experimenting with preservation, manipulating the decay process using techniques like salt, gloss and shake’n’vac.
With what is left she creates macabre sculptures, creating freakish characters, a metamorphosis of discarded lives. 

***** Absolutely NOTHING was harmed on purpose or even accidently on purpose by the performer. All animals were either found dead or they are casualties /refuse from the game or farming industry that would have been thrown away after being stripped of their useful parts. Charlie Tuesday Gates became a vegan 2 weeks before Glastonbury festival 2011
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Love from
Charlie Gates


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