D.I.Y Taxidermy, Artist Talk and Jordans Pussy Exclusive with the W.I

I was asked to do a talk at the W.I Dalston Darlings last month. They were searching for inspirational woman and apparently I was one of them.
I completely forgot until the day before so had done no prep or advertising but by the time I started the room was bursting at the seams with young woman so I had no reason to stress no one would come.
 I did a little talk, a lot of talking really and then we got cracking with an exclusive: Jordan's Pussy- a dried out cat carcass put in the pose of a cat (and Jordan on her beach catalog shoot) which we would dress for the first time since it had been skinned. This went down a storm and every body wanted a piece. 
The cat's out the bag

 Nice to see everybody getting stuck in
There was also a small improvised D.I.Y Taxidermy demo done on the lid of my spills kit. I had 3 blind mice and 3 lady's all having a stab on the smallest surface there could have been

They were all excellent sports and got stuck in massively. A good night all round and I hope I opened some minds in the process.

You can see and here more from the skin of Jordan's Pussy here on Youtube:  JORDAN'S PUSSY


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