Some people will be thrilled to know I will be announcing my
retirement . . . .
The taxidermy market has become saturated and to be honest I
don’t really like the paths of trend I’m apparently treading. I prefer to carve them.
Unfortunately paths get turned into roads and then motorways,
so I’m pulling onto the hard shoulder
and going into the bushes to have a pit stop until the traffic dies down. I
really didn’t want to be on the motorway.
BUT! I can’t go out without a splat so this
October will see the return of:
D.I.Y Taxidermy IIX
Hopefully this will leave a gaping wound in the performance
….The last D.I.Y saw me put up against some hard-core animal
rights activist, heavily edited news coverage made sure I was banned in Germany
and a campaign of hate removed me from facebook for the 3rd time.
It’s been a while since I’ve done something to get me removed so hopefully this
will see me gone for good with a sensory and emotional overload, staged on a
roller coaster that pulls you backwards…. though the body of a beloved cat.
And of course the musical : ‘SING FOR YOUR LIFE!’ will be
coming to the West End soon…Just waiting for Andrew Lloyd Webber to pick it up
and we’re ready to go!
Not that there will be no new artwork, for art comes in many
guises and surprises. Mainly it lies in the eyes and the minds of the
individual, so instead I will be living my entire life as art. How can one
retire from ones life after all. A
change of heart and direction into my other great love which is the beauty in
life. Making and creating with no purpose apart from to be free.
Recently I have been living as a virtual recluse. The more
time I spent from the internet, the more I became afraid of it. I lost touch
with the interworld but was suddenly more in tune with the real one- The one we
actually live in, as human beings, not computer generated versions of
ourselves. This invisible network was hampering creativity not enhancing it.
I love to shock with art. I love it.. The message was
simple: Respect life. My macabre tools found abandoned after being stripped of
their useful commodities. Life is cheap. People have become so far removed from the
reality of these deaths.
Anyway enough of that. Basically it’s over for a while. I’m
focusing on new avenues, different areas of interests and basically having a
great time.
If I don’t retire now, I’ll never make any money out of art.
It’s only when an artist is dead or at the end that they ever get noticed so I
thought retirement was a safer bet.
So see you at the next D.I.Y Taxidermy for shock, horror and ultimate awe!
Being banned from FaceBook is a good thing ;-)