A special treat is coming to The Book Club this Halloween and there's only 1 Month to go…..
D.I.Y Taxidermy LIVE
Throw The Book Away
The Book Club Oct 30th 8pm
You won’t be able to believe what your seeing, hearing and eating as a D.I.Y.T.6 has some surprising and disturbing twists… .
Win real life dead artwork in the bizarre but hilarious raffle: 
EAT the discarded remains as an in house chef cooks up a tasty treat during the interval.

D.I.Y Taxidermy LIVE is an interactive journey. Giving first hand knowledge and the confidence to take life into your own hands, proving that you can do it yourself, at home, with little more than the contents of your kitchen cupboards.  Through the medium of performance, video and story telling,  you are taken deeper than ever into this seemingly dark art and mind of an artist.  

For this night only there will be an exhibition of past and present work. Displaying a surreal collection of assemblage sculptures and short films.

This exploration of the manic and macabre is guaranteed to spark debate on the boundaries of taste, ethics and the concept of controversy in itself. Not for the faint hearted, weak stomached or easily offended.. .
Created by Tony Hickson

SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!  Currently at it's 6th installment (this is the review from the 3rd D.I.Y.Taxidermy: Back From The Dead-LIVE at the Future Gallery, Leicester Square)
Flyers created by some very talented people.

 All very different. All equally as fantastic.

If you would like to submit your design please email

Really excited about showcasing a new short film. Something no one has ever seen, as well as the classics One night In Peckham and SMILE .

So hope to see you at the show. TICKETS

* All animals were found dead, donated, pet food, roadkill or refuse from a hideously wasteful food industry. Previously a vegetarian for about 12 years, Charlie Tuesday Gates became a vegan early last summer. 

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Love from
Charlie Tuesday Gates


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