What It Said On The Tin.....

The D.I.Y Taxidermy show was  FULL ON.

Described as:
''Intense' Morris Wild
'Truly awe inspiring and amazing!!!' Jack Wilkinson

Having to do a workshop back to back with a show was heavy. The most intense 9 hours of my life. Very stressful- a bit like internal bleeding.

I said some pretty funny stuff (funny in my head) but maybe my humour was too in the future sometimes with these extreme jokes...Jokes like the fact I don't like to wear gloves because it's like wearing a condom- you can't feel anything-
'Fox in a Box'
The other classic was a response to someone asking where this taxidermy started and I replied that it could have come from me accidently burying my gerbils alive...... or seeing my friend having sex with a dog-

Was this too far?
If you look at it in the sense that it was a PERFORMANCE from a crazy subsitute teacher who was really an artist then it was spot on. Spot on in the fact that it made no sense and it was the rambelings of a mad woman. 
The raffle part was the best bit for me. I could feel in my heart the tempo dropped so in a fit of panic I spontaneously decided to give away everything stuffed that day as random prizes. One lucky winner got to take home a soggy rabbit for her birthday and I got everyone to sing to her which made me happy. Another young lady who came all the way from Brighton won the one on one session with me, she had made such  effort and totally deserved to win.  I perhaps shouldn't have mentioned my other prize idea of attaching a dildo to a hoof. Luckily I didn't start singing 'the hoof, the hoof, the hoof is on fire.....'

One lucky winner of' LIFE! DEATH! PRIZES!'

I rinsed myself too early with the workshop and that confused my tiny mind as it made me forget what I had and hadn't said when it came to the performance later. Should have thought about what I was saying more, but that's the thing about me-I don't think- I just do and I'm honest about that. I'm always honest no matter what. Too honest it would appear, shockingly honest. Honest to the point of self harm. But we live and learn and I learnt a lot from that show. 

This is what I learnt: Don't obsess over having no time and get up at 7 in the morning after 5 hours sleep all weekend. Don't just eat salad and then drink and don't let people get to you or yourself. I always have massively high expectations but you can't get it right all the time and through getting things wrong you can put more right in the future and the future looks massive. NEVER BUY ANYTHING FROM EXOTIC PETS! See previous blog about my extreme terror all through the workshop :(
What the winner did next.....
On the bus....
Making friends...
Photo contributions thanks to Morris Wild
*****Thanks to friends and family for enormous support. I put you guys through hell. Your all too amazing. No one in their right mind would do the things I do and you guys are still there cheering me on so so much thanks.  Thanks to all the guys at Flee and Corsica Studios for providing a fantastic venue and support and thanks to the people who sat through something that went on just slightly too long. You legends!
Photos to follow through soon.
Love from
Charlie Gates


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