FREAKS! TIME OUT & Music videos with rappers!

Next show FREAKS Shoreditch Basement Gallery, Shoreditch Town Hall. Thursday 9th Dec

 I've been so massively busy. More busy then ever. Had 3 shows back to back in November; D.I.Y TaxidermyII:Dicing With Death at Counter Culture, Surreal Nightmares at Shunt and then Ishihara 14 at the Queen of Hoxton...and I had to move house as well. Full on.

Been working on a music video for MOWGLI- That hip-hop rapper dude. Nice guy. I was given a kitchen to dress. They wanted me to create this macabre taxidermists lair, animals and shit lying around. I made the most disgusting set ever. Proper dark with all the weird stuff I love. The camera man said it was the most impressive set he'd ever seen! Pictures soon.

Another production studio borrowed some stuff for a film they were doing. Dinner party gone wrong sort of thing, I couldn't be there but apparently it went well.....

And the next and most amazing thing is tomorrow I'm going to TIME OUT to do something for their Christmas issue! Yes, that massive magazine you've heard of! I'm supposed to be teaching people D.I.Y taxidermy. Giving you all the tools to get started yourself.... This really will be a blind leading the blind situation.
A lovely woman Simone came from the TIME OUT press section to my last show and thought it would make a great storey.....She is well aware that I am not a taxidermist, just an enthusiast. So tomorrow I am off with my scalpel. There was talk of having some work for the front cover.....

I also replied to my first 'fan mail' today.
Love from
Charlie Gates


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