RIP SHOP OF AMAZEMENT - January blues sale

Bristols best kept secret will be silenced by the end of the month…. I am closing my shop of amazement and art studio of wonder. 
Sadly, a spontaneous water feature erupted from the ceiling and the leak has had devastating repercussions. So everything must go. My lifes’ work must be dispersed into the unknown.  It’s sad and it’s bad, but not a scratch on last year when an utter shit storm blew full gale at my life.
After conceiving, creating and making the greatest cult musical that ever died, I started to sink quite spectacularly into in a whirling pit of despair. Cement had solidified my depression and the evaporated version of myself was trapped inside. I cried every day.
I always believed that when I turned 30, everything was going to be ok. 30 would mean I was a real person, that it would all fit into perfect place and harmony, and my life's work would be in full flow fruition. Sadly the opposite happened.  Nothing was ok and everything was terrible. For ages.

 As well as this voide of nothingness, I was struggling being homeless, lost my arts residency/studio, had to cancel a big show and evacuate the city I loved and lived in for ten years.
Big guns full basting the shit out of me. Basically.  
The shit storm swallowed me up….. and projectiled me into Bristol; A city renowned for being the happiest in the UK. I knew nothing and no one and that’s how I liked it. I needed to lay low- My life as an artist has been one of immense internal pressure. Pressure to achieve, pressure to perform, pressure to be the best and most extreme there ever was.
After leaving London, the cement started to crack and the black hole slowly moved into my blind spot. I was finally in a place where I could sort my head out, start a new life - 
And open a really weird shop
My shop was AMAZING. Literally amazing. Actually amazing. Amazing amazing amazing.  It’s the perfect balance between really really weird, really really beautifully and completely disturbing….with just enough humour to balance out the fear.

The taxidermy art, curious creations and creatures, headpieces and fascinators have to be seen to be believed. It is truly is a wondrous place… if you’re into that kind of thing. If you’re not into that then you’re probably boring or made of beige or something.

The shop shit has hit the metaphorical fan but the response to loosing it all again has been overwhelming. There are some truly hugely amazing people out there that have once again come to the rescue of an artist in need. THANK YOU to those people, to all people who have cared and shared. 

Another new chapter beckons….almost immediately after the last new chapter.
But I’ve got freezers full of stuff that needs stuffing and I’m not stuffing it because my stuff is stifling. So I’m selling it all and starting again….. 

Find everything for sale on Facebook
Instasham and very infrequently Twitter

15-19 Stokes Croft- Bristol BS13PY

Thursday 10-6
Friday 10-7
Saturday 10-6
Sunday 11-5



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