EXHIBITION: Supernatual Fears Other Worldly Desires

The fabulous Edwardian Cloakroom/Toilet will be the host of my first exhibition in Bristol.
It's been a looong time coming and I have some new work to show for it. WOAH.

After a large chunk of life being taken over by singing, dancing dead animals spreading enlightenment and comic genius, I hit a shit storm of whirling creative despair. But now i'm bouncing back to doing what I do best- Making some really beautifully scary stuff.
Dead Pretty
Shamefully I haven't made an official piece of sculpture for over 2 years. But after moving away and having no friends, I got my head down. Without all the hassle, noise and constant distractions, objects began talking to me again and I accidentally started making new work. 
It all started with this guy
He was just a lonely skull face, shoved in the corner watching over me for years. . .Then one day he started making noises. He started telling me he wanted a new face... and a crown. 
 Sometimes I hear objects speaking to each other. Sometimes they speak to me. I have visions about what they need, where they belong and who they could be. 
This makes me a cosmic artist- not mad. 

I don't know why he started speaking to me that day but I'm glad he did. He made me remember that creating something out of nothing is what I do best. He told me to bring life to those lying lost and wasting away in dusty boxes and suitcases.  
Standard box of shit no one cares about. 
I decided to just get stuck in, to go where I haven't gone in years, to challenge myself in what I could create with only whats lying around. There are various receptacles in my studio full of incredibly weird stuff.  All dark and broken, containing disgusting things- Which is mostly carcasses in various states of decay.
 Apparently that's what I used to do best. 
Essential maintenance on my dead cat caracas. I find yacht gloss does the trick.
Physically, I’ve been away from the visceral darkness for so long, I didn’t think it was where I was right now. But apparently I was wrong. Things were speaking to me, they were asking me to bring them back to life, asking me to tell a story....
Playing With The Devil
Playing With The Devil

   You can come and hear their story at the new show ...
Supernatural Fears Otherworldly Desires 
P.V 5PM 31st Aug
Open daily 11-6  until 6th Aug

D.I.Y Taxidermy workshops running throughout the week
Sign up with charlietuesdaywinnergates@gmail.com



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    Home Furnishing Exhibition


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