IT'S ALIVE!!!! IT'S ALIVE!!! Sing For Your Life at Edinburgh Fringe

Because of you, Foxy will have new teeth, he will have backing dancers, he will have a boom box and he will have a sub woofer!!!! The animals will ride around on a transportable thrown and if we’re really really lucky, we’ll have a mobility scooter like this….
But most importantly, we will have live music!
Unfortunately another puppeteer is still financially unattainable.   

...So, what’s it like begging for money to fund your very very expensive dreams? Well it’s tough. It was a candle burning, stomach churning, ball busting month for me, an enormous amount of work on and off the pitch, holding down vague employment whilst spamming inboxes at every spare moment. You have to be witty, charming and engaging ALL THE TIME. Copy and paste jobs just don’t cut it. And you have to be relentless, ruthless, shameless! Everyone hates you but you have to ignore it and carry on regardless. 
Crowdfunders are boring, everyone's doing one. You have to think of ingenious ways to get people interested, like posting internet dating conversations of you hustling for money.  98% Of the time I was unsuccessful.  The fruits of my late night labour only managed to generate £50 English pounds. It wasn’t worth it.  I had to talk to strange men about my feet-

He got that for free...But here's a picture of what my foot once looked like. More fool him. 

I managed to get one famous person to donate money-Famous Phil Davis sponsored a dead Fox.

 My last stroke of genius was to steal peoples photos and plaster inspiring but often completely miss spelled messages on them. Donations soared.

On Tuesday someone generous and wise donated the lucky £69 that was needed to take the project over the edge. Our final total when I last looked was £5350 from 121 wise and generous humans.

1 person is having dinner with me at my favourite restaurant, Marie’s on Lower Marsh
2 people have opted for the VIP treatment and front row seats
2 stalkers have VIP access to video diaries 
3 people are getting counselling from Foxy
6 new exhibitions will be seen at The Vaults
6 people will be creating their own taxidermy art
9 art lovers have bought investments
10 people will be getting personalised messages
12 people will be coming to the unlimited booze and singing party
18 people are being congratulated
28 people will be serenaded 
66 people will be dazzled by their postbox

Richard Moral  is the man behind the camera, making cracking videos. He has shown the greatest patience, worked long, hard, difficult and technical hours but achieved pure perfection in digital form.

Kieron deserves a mention for spotting the ship full of limitless cargo who would otherwise, just be floating around in the sea.

And YOU GUYS!!! You guys for believing in me/this. It really is quite unbelievable that this is really a reality. It's been a strange old life ..... Thank you for helping wild dreams come true.

 Now even more candle burning, stomach churning, ball busting work can start. Come see it in action at Edinburgh Fringe. You could do with a holiday. Come meet the animals

Massive super huge love from
Charlie Gates


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