D.I.Y.Taxidermy VII: SOLD OUT. Limited tickets on the door

 It’ll be my first public outing in a year, since announcing retirement and ONE of the LAST D.I.Y SHOWS- EVER. 

This event sold out last time. AND IT'S DONE IT AGAIN!!!. But The Book Club will be releasing more tickets ON THE DOOR

People were clawing their eyes out to get in…and some to get out. This is why:

OTT will be an understatement. Shock, awe and so much more. Pointless sensationalism. Carelessly shocking. A story to take you to the edge of your senses and sensibilities. A comedy, a tragedy, you will laugh till you cry and you will cry till you are sick.

What more could you want this Halloween Wednesday the 30th Oct at 8pm, The Book Club, Shoreditch?

Just to recap: D.I.Y Taxidermy. Live performance/demo where we will skin and stuff an animal you have grown to know and love using only what’s lying around the house in a Blue Peter style. With a waste not want not ethos we will then cook the remains and serve roadside cuisine to the more adventurous audience members. After light bites we up the tempo with LIFE! DEATH! PRIZES! Where you can then WIN real life dead artwork. Prizes really worth living for. :D

I have become very cynical of taxidermy of late. Things seem to be getting out of hand (nothing to do with me) so I’ve decided to chop them off. Shot myself in the face, cause disgrace, and take taxidermy places it has never been before- Like MUSICALS!!!!

But before the musical we must get through instalment VII: CAT GOT YOUR TOUNGE? And the only way to come is to buy a ticket. 

More to be released on either Friday 18th and Monday 21st. So if you've read this on time  fantastic news! You could still be in with a chance of being in the audience, and with in sniffing distance to the greatest show to have ever died.


BYO Roadkill and you could end up taking some of the magic home with you.

Love from
Charlie Gates
Please see all previous posts relating to:
D.I.Y Taxidermy Events
Artist Bio/Statement
Previous Artwork


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