Tomorrow is your chance to experience life and death first hand. Not for the fainthearted, weak stomached or easily offended. This show come with a WARNING. Sense of humor a must. Charlie Tuesday Gates presents: D.I.Y Taxidermy LIVE Throw The Book Away The Book Club Oct 30th 8pm A special treat is coming to The Book Club this Halloween. You won’t be able to believe what your seeing, hearing and eating as the 6th installment of D.I.Y Taxidermy has some surprising and disturbing twists… . WIN Win real life dead artwork in the bizarre but hilarious raffle: 'LIFE! DEATH! PRIZES!' EAT EAT the discarded remains as an in house chef cooks up a tasty treat during the interval. D.I.Y Taxidermy LIVE is an interactive demonstration. Giving first hand knowledge and the confidence to take life into your own hands, proving that you can do it yourself, at home, with little more than the contents of your kitchen cupboards. Through the med